On this page you will find information about our Youth league, Classroom programs, Sunshine Club and Special Olympics programs. There is a contact form as well as our Group Specials listed below.
The first youth program started in Winnipeg in 1963.
In 2013 Winnipeg got the opportunity to host the
50th Anniversary of the
YBC Nationals
We have made a big change to the program after combining the registration and program fees together we reduced them !!
2023 2024
was $270 now $170
was $360 now $215
Paid by October 15th
Giving ALL YOUTH a chance to participate
Complete registration below and forward to minnedosabowl@gmail.com
or drop it off to us
Both Saturday morning and Thursday evening will run for 30 weeks September to April
with a break at the end of December.
Monthly achievement awards, in-house fun tournaments, skills days, party days, monthly prizes
all while been instructed by certified coaches
Everyone gets a bowling
t-shirt and no experience needed, just be ready to have fun!!
Bowlasauraus Bantams
2 games weekly ages 5-7
Bantam 3 games weekly ages 8-10 $215.00/season
Juniors 3 games weekly ages 11-14 $215.00/season
Paid by October 15th/24
Starts Sept 14th 10:00 am
Juniors 3 games weekly ages 11-14 $215.00/season
Seniors 3 games weekly
ages 15-19 $215.00/season
Paid by October 15th/24
Starts Sept 12th 7:00 pm
DownloadSaturdays 12:30 P.M 2 Games
Session 1 starting October 5 to December 7 followed by Session 2 starting January 11 to March 15. Two 10 week sessions of great fun. A "fun bowl" is held at the end of each session.
Fees are $8.00 weekly for bowling and a one time $7.00 registration fee.
Contact us below or call 204-867-2827
Thursday 10:00 A.M 2 Games
Wednesday 6:30 P.M. 2 Games
Recreational Day and Time TBA
This program runs from September to April. Consists of not only bowling, but a Christmas party, a doubles tournament with our Club 55, an awards windup day & more. There are two divisions: Recreational and Competitive (Special Olympics). Contact us below or call 204-867-2827 to register
The fees are $8.00 for bowling weekly with a $7.00 one time registration fee for the Sunshine Club and a Special Olympics registration fee (amount determined by Special Olympics Manitoba). Bowlers can belong to one or both the Sunshine or the Special Olympics as they are bowled at the same time.
Contact us below or call 204-867-2827 to register or for more information
Got an group event coming up
Option 1- $10.40 each person
1.5 hr. bowling, shoes and taxes
Option 2- $16.00 each person
1.5 hr. bowling, shoes, taxes with 2 slices of pizza & pop
Why Learn To Bowl?
Learn fundamental movements skills, grow into physical literacy.
Cross curriculum touching on physical education, mathematics and history. No equipment needed by student or school. Kids love bowling!!!
Sport safety, proper grip, approach & delivery. Team work, motor skills & balance, terminology & spelling, scoring, pin value mathematics, and
5 pin bowling history
Programs customized to fit class size.
Choose 3, 4 or a 5 weekly program
Program includes 2 hour weekly session, 2 games of instruction, shoe rental, pamphlets, quizzes and more. All with lots of fun while learning!!!
Call us to book your program today!!